
Dora event on 21/02/2024 with Arendt and Deloitte, Moderated by Kent Media sponsored by Lancelot.

Luxat hosted an event, “Implementing Plan A: Dora”, on 21 of February 2024, gathering more than 60 Luxembourg’s Finance and IT professionals. The main part of the event was a panel on Dora (Digital Operational Resilience Act), which has become one of the most discussed topics in the FSI industry in recent months. The panelists, including: Astrid Wagner, Partner in IP, Communication & Technology at Arendt & Medernach, Laureline Senequier, Partner from Deloitte and Christophe Pietz, Luxat Founder, debated the impact of Dora and the management of digital risks in financial markets. The conversation was moderated by Jim Kent.

During the discussion, Astrid Wagner emphasized that Dora requires that all board members keep up to date with sufficient knowledge and still to understand and assess ICT risk and its potential impact, including by following specific training on a regular basis.

Laureline Senequier highlighted the fact that Dora isn’t just about teamwork, it’s a transformative approach to making ICT more resilient in supporting operations. This means ICT service providers also have a crucial role to play in ensuring resilience to various challenges and disruptions.

Christophe Pietz said Dora should be seen as an opportunity for third party providers. For those who put risk and security in their DNA, it will be a competitive advantage. For others, they will be challenged and maybe pushed out of the game by Dora regulation.

After the event, all attendees participated in the networking session, continuing discussions on how Dora impacts the industry and how each individual working in the FSI organizations needs to prepare for January 2025 when Dora must be applied.

We would like to say a big thank you to our panelists and all participants who joined us and engaged in numerous conversations during the networking session. We hope you had many inspiring discussions and you gained a lot of valuable connections. Additionally, we want to express our gratitude to our sponsor, Lancelot Recruitment, for their support in making our initiative possible.

The event “Implementing Plan A: Dora” has inaugurated the series of meetings organized by Luxat to build a community of Finance and IT professionals willing to share their experience and know-how with others in the field. Next session on Data and GenAI will happen in September 2024. Follow us on the Linkedin channel to stay up to date with all upcoming activities.